Brenda squeezed herself onto the bus.
There was nowhere to sit, and many were standing, holding on to the rails. She was annoyed. She had to be downtown, but her car wouldn’t start. So the bus would have to do.
She wasn’t really dressed for a bus ride. She didn’t have time to change when she found out her car wouldn’t start. So she was in her short skirt and heels, with only a thong underneath. She liked to keep cool in the Venezuelan heat. In fact, she really liked going with nothing under her skirt, but some days that just wasn’t advisable. Today was one of those days, since she had a meeting to go to.
It was very close quarters on the bus, which was not comfortable in all the heat. She really wished her car would have started! She inched her way back to the back, since she was off at the last stop on the line.
She paid no attention to the man behind her, and started watching out the window. It would be a long ride.
At first she thought it was just because of a bump in the road. The man behind her pressed up against her, then he was off of her again. She paid no attention.
The road was bumpy, and he brushed against her again. This time it was a little longer. She couldn’t be sure, but maybe it was on purpose.
A minute later, he bumped her again. And this time he stayed up against her. She knew now it was on purpose, because she could feel his very erect cock pressing against her ass. “God, he must be huge,’ she thought.
It was starting to penetrate and separate her ass cheeks. She thought she should move away, but there was really nowhere to move to. And that huge cock kept pressing between her cheeks.
She could think about nothing else but the cock pressing against her.
She imagined how big it must be.
She wondered what it looked like? Big and veiny? Smooth and dark? Fat? Long? Shaved pubes? Did he have big balls? Lost in her thoughts, Brenda didn’t realize she was pushing back on that cock. And the man was soundlessly humping between her cheeks. Suddenly she realized how wet she had become.
Oh my god! I should move away from him!
But she didn’t. Her lust was rising. She consciously started pushing back, in rhythm to his thrusting. It felt so good! She was becoming oblivious to everything around her. The bus stopped. Passengers got on and off. But all she was aware of was the man behind her. She hoped he wouldn’t be getting off soon. Then she giggled, thinking that she really DID hope he’d get off soon, but she didn’t mean getting off the bus.
It was all Brenda could do to stop herself moaning. She was deeply ashamed, somewhere inside herself, but the lust had overcome the shame. When the man lifted her skirt, she knew she should move. But she didn’t. Would he actually fuck her right here on the bus? In front of everyone? Brenda was biting her lip now to stop from moaning.
She felt the rough fabric of the man’s pants now against her nearly bare ass. He was humping with abandon, and she was pushing back with every thrust.
His hand was under her skirt now, squeezing her ass.
She was more turned on by the second.
Then he pulled away from her. Briefly.
Brenda almost screamed aloud when she felt him opening his fly. Then his scorching hot cockhead was between her cheeks. Her thong was drenched in her own juice by now. He shifted his cock lower, and she felt it sliding between her legs, against her wet thong, rubbing her pussy. Her legs nearly buckled at that. And then, feeling like a whore, she spread her feet. Giving him access. Welcoming his cock. Like a bitch in heat now. She wanted his cock in her.
He stoked between her legs a few times, bringing her immense pleasure, and a gush of wetness from her pussy. Then his fingers were pulling aside her thong. She bent slightly, silently urging him to fuck her. She felt his cockhead against her dripping cunt. His hands gripped her hips, and slowly he entered her.
She nearly came when the fat head of his cock slid inside of her. She knew her eyes were rolled back in her head. Anyone who looked would know what they were doing. But she was a creature of pure sex now, only wanting to be fucked. She pushed back on his cock, helping him impale her on his huge tool. It was bigger than any she’d ever had. Oh My God!
She was gasping and could not control herself. The man behind her began to pump her now, fucking her. This was animal fucking, mutual rutting. She came on his cock, and was ashamed somewhere inside, fucking a total stranger on a bus. But it was the hottest she’d felt in a long time.
The man was breathing hard behind her, ragged. She knew he was close. Would he cum in her pussy? She thought briefly about asking him to pull out. But what she really wanted was him to cum in her. The thought made her cum once again, nearly fainting on him.
That was all he could take. Brenda’s pussy pulsing and squeezing his cock forced his ejaculation. She felt his cock throbbing inside her, felt him shooting gobs of hot cum into her.
After a minute, she felt with regret that his cock was softening. He slipped it out of her, and slipped her thong back in place, which also held his cum in her. She felt him putting his cock back in his pants. The bus stopped again, and he got off. She never saw his face.
Brenda went to her meeting with a secret smile on her face, and a pussy full of cum. Later that night, her husband ate her out as she described in detail everything that happened on the bus. Brenda era riuscita a salire sul bus pieno come un uovo a quell’ora di punta.
La macchina quel giorno l’aveva abbandonata e non poteva mancare a quella riunione di lavoro in centro.
Una calca inumana, spintoni da tutte le parti e infine schiacciata contro il finestrino con un uomo che spingeva dietro di lei.
Un paio di scaffe, un paio di spinte da dietro. Brenda non aveva fatto caso a chi ci fosse veramente dietro di lei, ma con il passare del tempo era sicura che si trattasse di un uomo.
‘Un uomo ben dotato’ pensava, dopo l’ennesima buca e l’ennesimo balzo
L’uomo che le stava dietro doveva essere già abbastanza eccitato, perchè con il passare degli istanti Brenda aveva cominciato a notare una pressione sempre più decisa sul suo sedere.
Fu così che Brenda cominciò a immaginare la grandezza e le fattezze di quell’arnese che man mano era sempre più premuto sul sedere.
In modo quasi inconscio si ritrovò a spingere ritmicamente contro quell’uomo.
In breve si rese conto che l’uomo stava rispondendo ai suoi movimenti con spinte sempre più marcate.
‘Cosa sto combinando?’ fu la domanda che per un attimo le balenò in testa, mentre tra le gambe sentiva che si stava bagnando.
L’autobus si fermò di colpo, alcuni passeggeri scesero ed altri salirono, ma l’attenzione di Brenda in quel momento era solo per quell’uomo che le stava dietro. Una parte di lei sperava che si scostasse da lei ma così non fu.
Si ritrovò intenta a soffocare i gemiti che il tocco di quell’uomo le provocarono. Lui, nel frattempo, le aveva sollevato la gonna e con la punta delle dita le stava carezzando delicatamente il sedere.
‘Come sarebbe finita?’ continuava a chiedersi Brenda, combattuta tra il piacere perverso di quella situazione e la vergogna.
Fino a che punto sarebbe stata in grado di spingersi?
Non ebbe tempo di dare risposta a questa domanda: il rumore di una zip da dietro la risucchiò nel turbine di sensazioni perverse.
Un’istante dopo si ritrovò tra le coscie un palo di carne sempre più consistente e duro che iniziò a premere sulla stoffa dei suoi slip.
Brenda non poteva che pensare alla carne di questo sconosciuto a pochi millimetri dal violare la sua intimità. Come un automa divaricò pian pianino le gambe.
Si sentiva sporca, ma al tempo stesso succube del desiderio di venir posseduta tra tanti occhi ignari e indifferenti.
Fu così che le mani di lui riuscirono a spostare l’ultimo lembo di stoffa che li divideva.
Era caduto l’ultimo baluardo, l’ultima difesa e Brenda ormai assetata di piacere mosse il bacino per consentire a quello sconosciuto di entrarle dentro.
Piacere, immenso piacere, era tutto quello che sentiva mentre quel palo di carne entrava lentamente e inesorabilmente nel suo sesso bagnato.
Il respiro di Brenda era ormai affannoso e la sua bocca asciutta come il deserto del sahara. Tutto quello che lei voleva in quell’istante era essere sbattuta da quell’enorme randello che ormai era parte di lei.
Chiuse gli occhi mentre lo sconosciuto da dietro cominciò a sbatterla. Il pensiero di essere posseduta da uno sconosciuto in quella posizione la fece venire.
L’uomo da dietro, nel frattempo, cominciò a respirare in modo sempre più affannato. Brenda sentiva che era prossimo a venire anche lui.
Le sarebbe venuto dentro?
Nell’istante in cui nasceva quella domanda Brenda avrebbe voluto girarsi per chiedere a quello sconosciuto di non farlo, ma il resto del suo corpo era in fremente attesa di quel folle gesto che l’avrebbe fatta venire di uovo.
E così fu.
L’orgasmo arrivò per entrambi. Le mani di lui si posarono sui suoi fianchi per tirarla a se in modo deciso, mentre il suo randello cominciava a convulsamente a schizzare piacere dentro di lei.
Onda dopo onda, schizzo dopo schizzo, Brenda si sentì avvampare il ventre mentre l’irreparabile era ormai una realtà.
Dopo un minuto che sembrò quasi un’eternità l’uomo si scostò da lei e in pochissimi attimi concitati sparì scendendo all’ennesima fermata di quel bus.
Chi fosse quell’uomo, come fosse fatto il suo viso, furono domande a cui Brenda non riuscì mai a rispondere.
L’unica cosa che Brenda riuscì a fare quel giorno fu scendere dall’autobus e incamminarsi verso la riunione a piedi con uno strano sorriso dipinto sul volto mentre tra le gambe sentiva colare il piacere di quello sconosciuto.
Ciao purtroppo non sono brava nello scritto, Se vuoi scrivermi in privato .
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